Workplace Planning and Design

Bringing people, business, and workspace together.

Workplace projects are planned and designed to support the workplace strategy. Our planning and design projects include workspaces, work process, and the incorporation of new technology into organisations.

Planning begins by defining the project scope, budget, programme, risks and deliverables. Working with your people we then develop the brief for each part of the workplace strategy, generate ideas and filter those ideas into real design scenarios. Working collaboratively using design thinking techniques, we define a preferred scenario that will maximise your workplace potential. Scenarios may be small changes to what you have, a refurbishment, or a complete redesign. Inevitably they will introduce different levels of benefits, cost, risk and time.

Once a preferred scenario has been costed, evaluated, and agreed we develop concepts and following feedback, we further refine them for implementation.

Case Studies

Building Leadership Simulation Centre

Master Builders Association Redevelopment

United Energy Multinet

DSE Incident Control Centres


In my opinion, developing a strategy plan with key staff is best done with external assistance. Graham and his team have provided excellent guidance for our management team as we grapple with how we can best grow and enhance our service offerings. I highly recommend his services.

Brian Welsh - Exec Director, Master Builders Association of Victoria